What Is Public Relations?
- Blake Rodocker
- May 05, 2016

The Web’s Most Comprehensive Guide to PR For Business Owners
Guest post by Tech Function
Public relations is more than just media relations, and securing some pieces of vanity coverage for your business. A strategic PR campaign will deliver exposure, sales and a myriad of other benefits to your business. This comprehensive guide will take you from beginner, to expert in how PR can shape your business growth plans.
Public Relations is often misunderstood by business owners to just mean relations with the press, and public relations firms are often only called upon when there is some big news or story to tell. However, the true meaning of PR is more aligned with the management of all relationships and communication between an organization and the public.
In the modern world that includes through social media, the traditional press, and the ever increasing ways in which the public can be reached by organizations, the latest trend being through live-streaming video services such as Periscope, Meerkat and Facebook Live Video.
Only a comprehensive strategy that incorporates all of those channels, and ties those to real business objectives, and more importantly, measurable results, can be considered a true PR plan.
This guide is aimed at business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers who don’t have a good grasp of what a good PR plan looks like and how it can influence the key areas of business success from press to search engine rankings, branding, marketing and sales.
We’ve kept the jargon to a minimum and offer tips, advice, and even strategies for getting started on a non-existent budget, as well as linking to more advanced resources for those of you looking to become experts.
You can jump to a section that interests you using the chapter links below or just scroll through and enjoy the ride.
History of Public Relations >> Read More
Public Relations Quotes >> Read More
Public Relations Strategies and Tactics >> Read More
PR In The Digital Age >> Read More
To view the complete Public Relations Guide by Tech Function, click here.