The Bridge Blog

Illustration of a coputer demonstrating healthcare cybersecurity challenges with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts two and three now. Supply chain attacks are a…

Illustration of healthcare application security measures with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and three now. In the first article of…

Illustration of a cell phone with a login for securing patient data and the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and two now. Patient engagement technology is in…

Digital Care Management thumbnail
Technological innovation and demand in healthcare are driving the need for patient-centered digital care management. Being able to effectively support patients when they need it and at the right time can help manage chronic issues and aid in individuals reaching their health goals quicker. Below we outline actions providers can take…

patient experence blog banner
With patient-centered care becoming a driving force behind the healthcare industry, understanding and improving the patient experience is becoming crucial to make your organization more efficient, deliver higher quality care, and retain patients. The patient experience comprises every interaction a patient has within the healthcare system. How easy is it…

patient journey blog article banner
As the consumerization of the healthcare industry continues, higher patient expectations have altered every touchpoint of the healthcare journey. Even before an appointment is booked, the patient journey has begun. But what is it, why should we discuss it and what measures can be taken to improve it? The patient journey…

emr patient portal blog article
The recent acceleration of virtual care is causing waves across the healthcare industry. In an attempt to keep up with an increased demand for online services for patients, current Electronic Medical Record (EMR) vendors are promoting more and more piecemealed patient engagement solutions to keep up with increasing demands for…

improve patient intake efficiency
What is the patient intake process? Patient intake spans a variety of operations wherein healthcare providers gather and organize patient data from their demographic and insurance information to collecting consent forms, reviewing medical history, collecting co-pays, and much more. All these processes contribute to longer wait times, and it’s important…

bridge patient engagement program
The COVID pandemic has had a major impact on the needs of US healthcare consumers. Not only has it affected physical and mental health, but it has also impacted the way patients interact with their providers and what they prioritize for managing their care. In a 2021 survey of US…

What is healthcare digital transformation? Digital transformation in healthcare can be seen as the organizational, operational, and cultural change of an organization or industry through the integration of digital technologies, processes, and competencies in a staged and strategic way[¹]. In contrast to digitalization in general, healthcare digital transformation is much…