Category: Health IT

Illustration of a coputer demonstrating healthcare cybersecurity challenges with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts two and three now. Supply chain attacks are a…

Illustration of healthcare application security measures with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and three now. In the first article of…

Illustration of a cell phone with a login for securing patient data and the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and two now. Patient engagement technology is in…

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For more than a decade, healthcare institutions have been using electronic health records (EHRs), as well as standardized templates for files containing medical information, in order to share data electronically.  By 2011, the number of physicians using EHR systems had grown to 57% – and since then, with the introduction…

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Within the last decade, Information Technology (IT) has fundamentally changed the delivery of healthcare in the U.S., driven by patient demand, the growing number of health IT vendors, and programs created by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). One of the segments of the U.S. population that stands…

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Although healthcare IT has transformed over the years, patients have held the same expectation: to be in the care of a personable doctor who will communicate effectively and make health decisions that are in the patient’s best interest. However, doctors have constantly struggled to navigate the boundaries of a patient-doctor…

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Many industries have already discovered the benefits of outsourcing IT systems to a professional IT service, and while healthcare is no stranger to the concept, it is once again gaining prominence.  A recent Black Book report, which surveyed over 1,030 hospital IT leaders, 240 CFOs and over 1,000 business leaders,…

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Nearshore Americas’ whitepaper “Healthcare Software: The Argentine Advantage” highlights many benefits that Argentina has for outsourcing healthcare software development over its offshore rivals. Here are the key reasons for partnering with a nearshore developer in Argentina: Leaders in HIT Argentina has seen significant acceleration in its IT industry, which has…

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According to the World Health Organization, the change to the new ICD-10 system will make it easier for physicians to identify known diseases, and classify symptoms and procedures. However, many physicians and health practitioners aren’t sure if the benefits of the new system will outweigh all the trouble it will…