Category: Security

Illustration of a coputer demonstrating healthcare cybersecurity challenges with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts two and three now. Supply chain attacks are a…

Illustration of healthcare application security measures with the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left.
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and three now. In the first article of…

Illustration of a cell phone with a login for securing patient data and the text "Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools" to the left
Securing ePHI in the Age of Digital Health Tools is a three-part blog series that explores how healthcare providers can protect PHI and mitigate healthcare data security risks associated with patient engagement technologies by implementing the right security protocols. Read parts one and two now. Patient engagement technology is in…

patient data access
Data privacy has become a major issue in today’s digitalized world, and with around 80% of all US health records[¹] now stored in digital form, the issue has sparked ongoing debates in the healthcare sector as well. While the government has attempted to guard this sensitive health information through regulatory…

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Healthcare organizations strive to provide the best patient engagement experience possible. In order to do this, many organizations result in implementing piecemealed solutions to provide all the features patients demand today. In-demand features include: Patient self-scheduling software Patient check-in software HIPAA compliant appointment reminders Telehealth Patient education HIPAA compliant messaging…

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Updated On June 3, 2020. Healthcare authorities are implementing new laws to boost interoperability within healthcare organizations and give patients more control and access to their personal health information. With this newfound sharing model, healthcare organizations and IT vendors must implement stricter patient portal security measures to protect valuable patient information.…
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